Welcome to Episode 13 of This Podcast is a Spell.
No, this isn’t a wrongly-timed holiday podcast. This is all about what we do next. It’s not what we do in the planning stage, it’s what we do in the ‘later on’ stage that matters. And it’s definitely NOT about pressuring you to do more.
This episode is all about facing ‘unafraid the plans that we made’. (With gratitude to Richard Bernhard Smith, who wrote the lyrics.)
And there’s an invitation to ‘conspire’ too!
“A Time Witch steps into the invitation of right now.”
Show Notes:
Join me in: Time Witchery my new Program. It’s on pre-pre-sale! ;)
My Gift For You: Time Magic: The Workbook
This workbook takes you into the beginning principles of Time Magic, and helps you to get clear on the first one which is - hilariously - clear.
If this inspires you, I hope you will subscribe to the podcast, and I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter.
I love to hear from you. What are your plans and how are you stepping into right now to make them happen?
With so much love,
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